& Testing
Primary Assessment Gateway
This page outlines the data the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) will collect from users of the Primary Assessment Gateway for national curriculum assessments and how we will use it. It also covers the legal basis for collecting this data, who the data will be shared with and how long we will keep it.
The Primary Assessment Gateway is an IT system that enables STA and associated third parties engaged with STA to prepare for, complete and process numerous activities allowing annual completion of key stage 1 (KS1) and key stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum assessments.
The Primary Assessment Gateway system has a number of users including headteachers, school staff, local authorities, multi academy trusts and KS2 markers, each of whom have different reasons for logging into the system.
School representatives (headteachers and staff) will use the system to provide information to STA on pupils participating in KS1 and KS2 assessments (e.g. test orders (where required), pupil registration and access arrangements), as well as accessing the system to view secure materials and pupil assessment results.
KS2 markers can access the system to manage their user accounts and view evaluation scores for their marking work.
Suitable access controls have been implemented to ensure that the different users of the system do not have access to other user groups’ data.
STA is an executive agency of the Department for Education (DfE). We are responsible for the development and delivery of the national curriculum assessments for primary school age children in England, under statutory instruction, on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education.
In carrying out these functions, we:
For the purpose of data protection legislation, STA is the data controller for the personal data processed for the administration of the annual statutory national curriculum assessments.
The categories of personal data that we will be collecting and processing during the administration of the statutory national curriculum assessments are set out below.
Personal information that you provide to us will be used for the purpose(s) of:
Personal information that you provide to us will be used for the purpose(s) of:
Personal information that you provide to us will be used for the purpose(s) of:
Personal information that you provide to us will be used for the purpose(s) of:
We will also process special category data, such as your:
We also collect data on any connections you have to schools, and your qualifications and experience, where they are relevant to our work (for example, teaching qualifications and subjects taught).
The data collected will be used to confirm pupils participating in the national curriculum assessments and for the creation of pupil attendance registers, ordering of modified test materials and also to process and confirm pupil access applications and arrangements.
Personal data is sourced from the pupil census data provided by schools bi-annually to DfE. It is collected and used as part of the national curriculum assessments pupil registration process to confirm:
The collected and processed data is also used at an aggregate level, for operational purposes, in school performance tables, pupil attainment and progress measures for schools. No identifiable personal data is used for these purposes.
More information is available on GOV.UK
The data collected will be provided by you, either to the STA or to one of our contracted partners who have been instructed to support the delivery of tests. We collect this data from you in order to manage and facilitate your agreement to provide national curriculum assessments marking or trial/sampling coding services, either directly with STA or via any of its contracted partners. We retain this data to contact you about new marking and coder opportunities after your initial agreement has expired. For more specific information on how marker and coder data is processed, please see the STA’s ‘Marker and Coder Privacy Notice’ https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/standards-and-testing-agency-markers-and-coders-privacy-notice
We sometimes need to make personal data available to other organisations. These might include contracted partners who we have employed to process your personal data on our behalf and/or other organisations with whom we need to share your personal data for specific purposes.
Where we need to share your personal data with others, we ensure that this sharing complies with data protection legislation and is done securely.
We use live chat software on our website, provided by 'Click4Assistance', a 3rd party UK based Software Company. Information regarding how the data is processed and stored can be viewed here: https://www.click4assistance.co.uk/click4assistance-web-chat-software-cookie-policy
We will only keep the personal data for as long as we need it for the purpose(s) of this piece of work (up to 7 years) after which point it will be securely destroyed.
Data stored for markers and coders who are not contractually re-engaged to support the delivery of commercial agreements within a 2-year period will be removed from the marker and coder register and therefore not contacted about new opportunities.
No information will be transferred or stored outside of the European Economic Area (EEA).
In order for our use of your personal data to be lawful, we need to meet one (or more) conditions in the data protection legislation. For the purpose of this piece of work, the processing is necessary for DfE to exercise its functions of administering national curriculum assessments.
The Education (National Curriculum) (Key Stage 1 Assessment Arrangements) (England) Order 2004, SI 2004/2783 specifies the assessment arrangements for pupils who have completed the first key stage as they apply to schools maintained by local authorities in England, and to academies through their funding agreements.
The Education (National Curriculum) (Key stage 2 Assessment Arrangements) (England)
Order 2003 SI 2003/1038 specifies the assessment arrangements for pupils who have completed the programme of study for the second key stage as they apply to schools maintained by local authorities in England, and to academies through their funding agreements.
The relevant condition for the processing of personal data in relation to the provision of marking and coding services is Article 6 (1) (e) of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
For the processing of special category data, the relevant condition is Article 9 (2) (j) of the GDPR. That means we will process your data to contact you and invite you to mark, review and/or code our materials, enabling us to meet our statutory requirement to develop and deliver national curriculum assessments.
As an executive agency of the Department for Education (DfE), STA determines the purposes and means of processing personal data as part of the administration of the national curriculum assessments, checks, trials and sampling exercises. You can find more information about this in DfE’s personal information charter- https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education/about/personal-information-charter
If you have any questions about how we use your personal information, please contact DfE and quote ‘Primary Assessment Gateway Privacy Notice’ as a reference. If you want to get in touch with the Data Protection Officer (DPO), please contact DfE (https://www.gov.uk/contact-dfe)and mark it ‘for the attention of the DPO'.
You have the right to lodge a complaint about data protection issues with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). For more information, visit the ICO website- https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/